Intentionally planned Nothing to Do

Summer vacation is near and as Moms we all dread the words "MOMMMM, I'm Borrrrred". But I say Let them Be Bored! Make sure you intentionally plan days during your summer break when there is nothing on the calendar and nothing to do. Our kids are growing up in a much different time than we did. There is constantly something going on or some show to watch or some game to play. As a Mom we want the best for our kids and we are always trying to provide them with constructive activities that will foster their sense of imagination and educational growth. But it is also important to show them that they can be fine on their own without a million other things going on. We don't need to provide them with art supplies so that they are constantly busy. We can have books lying around and other items for them to play with but let them figure it out on their own. TV (Screen) VACATION One thing we used to do when the kids were younger was to tell them that our TV / Computer Sc...