What the Zika virus really means to a real mom and what it means to all of us

Whether you are pregnant, or thinking about getting pregnant, the Zika virus is something that has been brought to our attention and something we are now all thinking about. There are so many other things that we have to think about when considering doing "everything" we can to ensure a healthy baby. This virus is scary because it seems like it just came out of nowhere and is now an epidemic. There is so much about it that we don't know. This article in the Washington Post puts a real face to the Zika virus and is a must read for every woman whether you are planning on having children or not. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: What this amazing mom of two girls with microcephaly has to say about Zika scare In another report out this week the CDC has recommended that any woman who is considering having children and is not on birth control should consume zero amounts of alcohol. None. They suggest that a woman may not realize she is pregnant at first and ...