Favorite Movie of 2014

2014 was a great year for bad movies. There were tons of Horror movies that I will probably not even watch when they come out on Amazon Prime or Netflix. But there were also a pretty wide variety of family movies. There were more "teen" movies than we remember seeing in recent years. The Fault in our Stars was a big hit primarily because of it's massively successful internet campaign before the movie was released and then it's excellent script and perfectly cast actors. SURVEY Take the Stay at Home Mom Best Movie of the Year survey. We did not include every family movie but have included 8 of the most popular with room for you to add your favorite movie. This is a quick survey and will only take a few minutes. At the end of the 10 question survey you will have a chance to enter your email. This is optional. Please only enter your email if you would like to be entered to win the Stay at Home Mom 2014 Movie drawing. ($25 dollar value). CLICK HERE TO BEGIN T...