A Week of Gratitude: Saturday

It just seems right to end our week of Gratitude with a quote by GK Chesterton: 

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."

This is a seriously cool quote on Gratitude but the main reason that this is our wrap up quote of the week is because of GK Chesterton's wife.

We know that the wife is often time the strength and stabilizing force in the career of a successful man (yes this is a cliche - but it's true. And conversely a supportive husband can be a force behind the career of a successful woman. But in this case we are talking about GK Chesterton's wife.)

GK Chesterton was married to Frances BLOGG. 

She was his rock throughout their entire married life and just possibly the first known Blogger.... A woman ahead of her time.

With Gratitude we move on to the Hanukkah and Christmas season!


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