I want to be a Super Mom but I hate the Mess!

Ugh!  During the winter the kids are cooped up inside playing board games and video games but then springtime comes and we can open up windows and doors again.  Spring Cleaning is in full swing at our house and it's exhausting. At the end of the day, as I sit on the couch, looking back at one closet that is only slightly a little more clean than it was this morning, I still have a moment when I aspire to be a super Mom and whip up fun and educational projects for my kids. Then the thought of Easter egg dye getting everywhere starts to bring images of double scrubbing counter tops to get them clean again and I am even more exhausted than when I first sat down.

But I don't have to worry (right?).  We live in the era of the Internet and Pinterest. Surely I could just go to my favorite search engine and type in Best Non Messy Easter Projects and pages and pages of results would pop up.  Apparently, Messy Kids are more prevalent than Non Messy Kids with Exhausted parents.

Better Homes and Garden no-dye Easter eggs showed up after the second search.  CLICK HERE  For the BHG suggestions.

But for the rest of us there have to be some fun projects we can do that entertain the kids and don't leave us with a massive mess.

Giant Easter Eggs

Supplies: Newspaper, masking tape, duct tape

  • Take old newspaper
  • Take individual sheets and start to shape into balls
  • Shape into an egg as best as possible ( I like to make eggs about the size of a small loaf of bread)
  • The next step is to secure the shape with some masking tape 
  • Follow this duct tape.  There are so many different kinds of duct tape out there.  Select some different fun kinds of duct tape and let the kids make giant, fun, different easter eggs.

    You can put them into a big basket and let the kids toss them around

Stained Glass windows

Supplies: paper plates, colored tissue paper, scotch tape, scissors, glue, yarn, hole punch
  • Make a cut into the center section of two paper plates and cut out the inner circle
  • cut colored tissue paper into various shapes and sizes that can reach at least across the opening of the paper plate
  • take the scotch tape and tape various strips of colored tissue paper across one of the paper plates covering the entire opening - overlap colors - just have fun.
  • take the second paper plate ring and glue it over the first one to cover up the scotch tape
  • punch a hole through the top and string some yarn through to hang it from the window 

Alternate (potential for a little mess)

Supplies: paper plates, saran wrap, tape, black sharpie, colored markers
  • Cut the paper plates as above but instead of tissue tape the saran wrap along the opening
  • Draw some lines across the saran wrap
  • Have the kids color in the sections with the various magic markers
  • Glue the second paper plate frame on top
  • Hang it in the window as above
Fluffy Bunny

Supplies: Pink construction paper, cotton balls, scissors, glue, (optional) black button

  • cut out a profile picture of a bunny with the pink construction paper.
  • let the kids glue cotton balls on to the bunny.  They can glue them just on their tail or all over.
  • Optionally they can glue on a black button for the eye or just draw one on with a sharpie.
  • Fun and not so messy!

These are just a couple of ideas - what are your favorite Non Messy projects?  Let us know on the Google+ Community page


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