The Stereotyped Mom

As Stay at Home Moms we often struggle for a "Title". When we are out meeting new people and they ask "What do you do?" many of us proudly declare "I'm a Stay at Home Mom". Other moms like the title Domestic Engineer or CFO of their family corporation or Chief Entertainment, Safety, and Welfare Officer. But no matter what title it is that we like to bestow up on ourselves we often find that saying "Stay at Home Mom" gives the listener an immediate image of us sitting at home, eating bon bons, doing a couple of loads of laundry perhaps, and spending the rest of the day playing tennis at the club or whatever else it is that Stay at Home Moms do - because honestly, they don't really know, don't really care, and haven't thought about it that much. In a fantastic article titled " Why do we continue to stigmatize Stay at Home Moms? " Erin Almond, Stay at Home Mom and former graduate school student, talks about her rece...