Sorry! Do you let your kids win to build their confidence?

At a recent visit to a friends house we decided to pull out the game Sorry and play. If you have never played Sorry you really should give it a try. It is a very simple, fast game which makes it great for young players. The goal is to take your four pieces from their home to the finish line. You do this by picking a card on your turn and following the directions. Some cards move you forward and some move you backward. But there are a few Sorry cards in the deck and when you choose that card you get to take the place of any other player and send them back to their home starting point. This can create a great advantage for you but it is pretty brutal for the person who gets sent home. So we pulled out the game and looked around at each other and realized that each one of us was wearing a different color tshirt that matched the colors of the pieces of the game. So we decided that if you were wearing yellow then you would play as the yell...