Fussy Baby? 5 Ways to Treat an Earache

During the holidays the last thing you want is a baby who just isn't feeling that great.  But how do you know if they are just being fussy or if there is something really wrong?  Read this guest post by Theresa Silva check the bottom of the page a special entry from StayatHomeMom for a very helpful prize. 

Fussy Baby? 5 Ways to Treat an Earache
by Theresa Silva

It’s been 48 hours, and your child still won’t stop wailing. Ear pain can be excruciating, for both infants and parents. Ear infections cause significant pain in one or both ears, which may last several days. Keep in mind that earaches are often accompanied by other symptoms, including a low grade fever, increased fussiness, repeated bouts of crying and irritability. It’s challenging to soothe a nonverbal infant because you can’t ask about the pain, but attempting several methods to treat the earache is a smart parenting choice.

Ear Drops

Many formulations of ear drops are available over-the-counter, although their exact components may differ slightly. Look for a formulation specifically geared toward infants, which may contain pulsatilla, chamomilla, sulphur, mercurius solubilis and other natural ingredients.
Be careful when applying the drops to avoid damaging your baby’s ears. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends washing your hands, rubbing the bottle of drops to warm it up, turning your child’s head to the side, gently placing your wrist on the baby’s head and placing the dropper just above your child’s ear canal. Then, pull the outer flap of the ear in a downward and backward motion, which straightens the ear canal and allows the drops to enter. Use the dosage recommended on the bottle (usually three to five drops). Keep your baby’s head turned for two or three minutes to allow the medicine to reach the ear canal.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medications

When the wailing just won’t stop, over-the-counter pain medications are an option. According to Parents magazine, medications such as ibuprofen should never be given to an infant under 6 months of age without a doctor’s authorization. If your baby is older than 6 months, follow the directions on the back of the ibuprofen container. Provide the medication every 6 to 8 hours, as needed, without exceeding the maximum recommended dose. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides a dosage chart to ensure that parents administer the correct amount for their baby’s size.


Exactly what causes earaches depends on your child’s unique situation. In many cases, a bacterial infection leads to swelling within the inner workings of the ear. This causes increased pressure on the eardrum. Tilting your child’s head upward may soothe the pain. Alternatively, use a baby sling to keep your infant’s head upright.

Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress to your child’s ear is an easy way to alleviate pain. Run a washcloth under warm water for a minute before placing it in a plastic bag. Test the temperature to make sure it is warm but not hot. Then, place the compress on your infant’s affected ear for 20 minutes at a time.

Consult Your Pediatrician

Because many earaches are caused by bacterial infections, they may be treatable using antibiotics. If your baby’s crying and restlessness persists, contact your pediatrician to see if antibiotic use is appropriate for the ailment. In some cases, earaches remit within 24 to 48 hours without use of antibiotics. However, contact your pediatrician immediately if your child has drainage from the ear, a fever exceeding 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, difficulty sleeping, complete loss of appetite or signs of severe pain. These may be symptoms of a larger problem that warrants medical intervention.

About the Author

Theresa Silva
Theresa is a fitness instructor and mother of three boys who blogs in her spare time (which isn't much).


When baby can't sleep through the night it can be miserable for everyone.   When they are uncomfortable the last thing you want to do is put something in their ear (or worse) to get their temperature.  Stay at Home Mom is giving away a Vicks Behind Ear Gentle Touch Thermometer and a copy of the Princess Bride on DVD.  If your baby can't sleep at least you'll have something to watch.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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