Take a deep breath and enjoy the time with your kids.

Ok Breath!

The holidays are upon us.  Yes there is still a week before Thanksgiving and Hanukkah but as most of us know from being a Mom time has a way of moving super fast when we need more of it and super slow when we don't.  From now until the first of the year 2014, time will have a way of warping itself fast and slow at the most inopportune times.

One of the best things we can do for our kids and our family over the holidays is to give them the joy of a holiday celebration.  For me this means more about laughter and love than having the perfect mantle top decorations (although I do love a well done mantle top).  It has everything to do with our family traditions and time spent together.

For kids, a family tradition is safety and security.  In a world that is so out of their control a family tradition is a known event.  It is something they can count on and feel safe about.  One of the best ways to make a kid feel safe is when Mom is calm and enjoying herself too.  If the turkey burns - well then you eat more stuffing and laugh about the great story you'll have to tell in years to come.  One year we forgot to pull the turkey out of the freezer before Thanksgiving morning.  That never happened again - but we have never forgotten it either.

A great holiday for the kids is not about perfection.  It is all about family, family traditions, and that safe feeling they get from being loved.

Don't be stressed right now because you didn't get your name on the PS4 pre-release and they are all sold out.  The perfect gift is not the latest and greatest - and honestly most kids don't remember the year they got the Xbox but they will remember that they opened presents and then went sledding with mom and dad.  They remember the moments not the things.

So, take a deep breath and remember to enjoy the time with your kids.  They will remember that more than the menu or the present.


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