No need to go shopping - Free Download is better - Its an Appstravanganza!

I really dislike going shopping on Black Friday.  SO when I got this in my email box I was thrilled and am super happy to be able to share with all of my busy mom friends.  

As we know it is hard for kids to wait.  They want stuff and they want it now.  That is one of the things that is great about the holidays - it helps kids learn about waiting.  But as a Mom it is good to have a few things tucked away for those moments when we just need to give them something to keep them happy.  

Our friends at Fingerprint play are giving us that gift.  Now through December 2 you can download 5 awesome games from Fingerprint play for free.  These are premium games and so they come with all of the awesomeness of fingerprint play games but the biggest thing that is awesome about them is No Commercials.

You can download the games this weekend and "give" them to your kids when you need to - December 6th is St. Nicholas Day.  On that day many people celebrate by exchanging small gifts.  This would be a perfect gift for your kids on St. Nicholas Day AND its FREE.  Hashtag #Best!.

Here is the message directly from FingerprintPlay

It’s a Fingerprint APPstravanganza!!  In celebration of Black Friday and Cyber Monday – scoop up five of Fingerprint’s fan favorites for FREE (say that 5 times fast!) from 11/29-12/2.  There’s something for every child …
  • Can you dig a good adventure?  Then, embark on a tilt-and-slide geology-packed quest to the earth’s core with Get Rocky.
  • Are you a scurvy pirate with a panache for drawing?  Then, doodle your way to Pirate Scribblebeard’s Treasure and watch the drawings coming to life in an animated tale of buried loot.
Happy Holidays!


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