Being a Stay at Home Mom: Yeah, apparently it's a status thing

So, you're pregnant and you have a great job.  You are deciding between taking maternity leave and then going back to work OR becoming a Stay at Home Mom.  Was status the turning point for you in the decision making process?  Status that is as a Stay at Home Mom.

In an article from WebMD

"It used to be more popular and widely accepted for moms to work," says Cara Gardenswartz, PhD, a clinical psychologist in independent practice in Beverly Hills, Calif. "There's been a backlash, because right now, there's actually more status to not be a working mom."


So, why did you choose to be a Stay at Home Mom?

Why is there a continual effort to pit Working Moms against Stay at Home Moms?  As women we do need to support each other and do our best to support families everywhere.  Every person is different, every woman is different, every family is different.

We have heard the arguments that play on women's guilt to stay at home with their kids or playing on their guilt to fulfill themselves but playing the "status" card is a relatively new one.

In our opinion a mom is a much better mom when she stays at home with her kids because she wants to rather than because it will improve her status in the community.

We are glad to hear that the numbers of Stay at Home Moms is increasing.  Being a Stay at Home Mom Rocks!  It is fantastic knowing that you are there for your kids when they need you.  We only have one chance to be at home with our kids.  That should be reason enough - not because it's Cool.  But then again, if psychologists from Beverly Hills want to tell people that being a Stay at Home Mom is cool then we can get jiggy with that.


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