"Lazy Summer"

by Corri Riebow Ahh....the lazy days of summer. Days spent on the beach, fresh lemonade and iced tea, catching fireflies and roasting marshmallows over a camp fire. Yup, those are the days. Well, sort of....... We've got the days spent on the beach....of our creek that is, but so far I feel like summer is flying by and we haven't even done half of what I want to do! Here we are at July already! I think Imogen and I are finally getting used to being with eachother all day every day again. Do you know what I mean? It didn't seem like such a transition last summer but Imogen was also not in school 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. I had high hopes of maintaining a schedule, including her doing some educational activities and quiet reading time. I was also hoping to sleep in until 8a.m. Ha! Oh well....we stay at home moms do what we can. There are moments when Imogen wants to read books or work in one of the work books I got her but for the most part we're flying ...