Mother's Day: Time to get our Cool Back

So many moms feel the same way.  They get pregnant and get lost (a little bit).  Our friend Tracy Beckerman totally got her cool back - even though she had to do that in the suburbs of New Jersey.

Her new book "Lost in Suburbia: a Momoir" was just released this month and it is essential reading for any mom - new mom, old mom, and moms-to-be.

We thought it would be fun to celebrate Mother's Day this year by giving away a copy of her new book.  It's a win win - just join the Stay at Home Mom G+ community or tweet out about this giveway and you will be entered.  Be sure to use the rafflecopter here on this page or on our facebook page to enter.

Lost in Suburbia is one of the books on the Stay at Home Mom summer reading list and we will be talking more about this book in July so it would be a good idea to get a copy for yourself and then if you win you can give that copy to a friend.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Full FTC disclosure: This is not a sponsored post.  I did receive an advance digital copy of the book to review but have not received promotional copies of the book to giveaway. is the sponsor of this promotion.  Also, I did share a pedi-cab with Tracy Beckerman at a Blogher conference in San Diego and laughed until I cried (and almost wet my pants - but that's another story).  All comments and recommendations are those of Stay at Home Mom.


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