How a Mom can go on Vacation too with the family!

Join us Monday May 6 at 9:30pm EST on Twitter to chat about Finding Balance on the Road . This twitter chat is sponsored by Marriott Residence Inn in conjunction with . Follow hashtag #TMOM to join the conversation. Time and time again we hear from Mom's who have just come back from vacation and they say that they need a vacation from their vacation. It can be exhausting. As Mom's we work too hard day in and day out to then go on vacation and have to work even harder. Can you be a "Stay at Home Mom" if you love to travel? Many of my friends used to joke "How can you be a Stay at Home Mom - you're never at Home?". We do love to travel. But with four kids it's not always easy finding that family vacation that makes everyone happy. The other challenge of having four kids is that most motels accommodate up to 5 people in a room but not 6 and so we have to be careful about planning our stays so that we don't end up ha...