Groundhogs Day

Are we in store for more winter or is spring on its way? One little rodent knows. Punxsutawney Phil will emerge from his underground home on Saturday February 2nd and proclaim our fate. This year is the 127th celebration of this ceremony. CLICK HERE to print off more of these Color me Phil's. Have your kids color in Phil and maybe even make their own predictions. If they think it is going to be spring soon have them color in sunshine. But if they think it is going to be six more weeks of winter have them give Phil a cap or mittens. Then you can see if they have a future in weather forecasting. According to, Phil is correct 100% of the time. Other websites put his accuracy level around 39%. Read more about Groundhogs Day in the Book "Groundhog Day" a Rookie Read-About Holidays book. My husband and I love the movie Groundhogs Day but it is a bit long and repetitive for the kids. Once they became t...