Spectacular Mom Moments

There's laundry, dinners, lunches, homework, boo-boos, cleaning house, running errands, and a million other things that fill up our days with those moments that we often let define being a Mom.  But every now and then we have that one magical moment where the planets align and we know just exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right moment. I like to call those "The Mom Moment".  It is that moment that elevate us from regular mom/housewife to Super Mom.  Here is one of those moments.
Ok so Dean was in the kitchen cooking breakfast this morning and I hear Tyler scream "I am not eating eggs they come from the chickens butt !" Dean is trying to reason with him and now the yelling match is on. I walk into the kitchen and say well making brownies has come to an end because they have eggs. Tyler looks at me and says can we talk about this. I say no and walk off. Guess who is eating the eggs for breakfast and begging for brownies today !
Thanks Rhonda! 


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